Destiny Youth

NDFI Ministries

Youth Ministry

Ministry Mission

1. Making a difference to make God famous
2. Teaching Youths how to live the Christian Life

The Five Pillars of our Youth Ministry

Discipleship (Personal Growth)
  • To teach and disciple youths to be and become more like Jesus
  • To present the Word of God for what it is without sugar coating
  • To base our teachings and faith on the Bible
Evangelism (Lifestyle)
  • To teach evangelism as a lifestyle, not only as a matter of speaking
  • To train youths to talk about their salvation and about Jesus
Fellowship (Building Relationships)
  • To foster healthier and closer relationships between youths
  • To have clean and holistic fun (Yes, Christian Youths can have fun!!)
Prayer and Worship (Spiritual Health)
  • To build up a lifestyle of prayer in individual youths
  • To encourage corporate prayer in the Youth Ministry
  • To train and build up worship leaders and musicians
Ministry and Service (Giving Back to the Lord)
  • To encourage and train the youths in their individual areas of ministry
  • To have a platform for individual service in the Youth Ministry itself