Personal Devotion

Growing as a Christian


Here are a few ideas to go deeper with your personal devotion study time:

Bible Reading

Some people prefer to read through larger sections of Scripture daily. If so, great! Here are some options you can take your study deeper:

  • Reread the daily passage in a different Bible translation. There are several options available free online.
    Bible Gateway is a great one.
  • Utilize online study resources, such as those available from Crosswalk.
  • Utilize a commentary, like The Matthew Henry Commentary, or online at Bible Gateway.
  • Cross-reference your daily reading, using the footnotes in your study Bible.
  • Research words in their original language using a Strong's Concordance.

Scripture Memorisation

Pick a few Scriptures from your reading that you want to commit to memory. Review them regularly, until they become instinctive.

Bible Study

One way to be engaged in your Bible Study time is to journal your discovery using the SOAR method. Find a quiet time in the day that works for you. Find a place where you will be free from distraction.

Once you have finished your reading ask yourself "Out of all that I've read today, what is God highlighting?" Keep in mind that as you read with an open heart, God will encourage and direct your life.

2 Timothy 3:16 'All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.'

Then begin to SOAR:


From today's reading, write out the key verse of Scripture that God has spoken to you through. This is a great way of going over the Scripture again as you write each word. This also helps us to commit the Scripture to memory.

Psalm 119:11 'I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.'


Start in the setting of the Scripture. Ask yourself:

  • What is happening in this passage?
  • What is the setting or environment of this verse?
  • What might this verse have meant to the original writer or reader?
  • What is happening with the characters in this story?
  • What do we learn in the text about God?
  • What are the key words that give weight or meaning in this verse?

How should that thought, observation, insight change or affect your life? Revelation isn't about information, it's about transformation. What does the verse mean for your thought life, emotional life, or your love life? How does this affect your marriage, your children, your workplace, your friendships, or our Church? How does knowing what you believe affect how you behave?


Respond to God with a prayer. Write to Him as though you were writing a letter. Ask God to empower you to apply this Scripture to your life. Ask for guidance and effectiveness as you act upon it. Pray that Jesus would be glorified as we are obedient to His Word.